When considering what to do when you have finished your exams, what is on your list of next things to do?

May 28, 2015 Stephen Smyth - No Comments


Apprentice Engineer

Apprentice Engineer

When considering what to do when you have finished your exams, enjoying the summer sunshine and holidays will be high on the list for many. But before packing your bags consideration needs to be made of the choices for your further education in September.

Two educational routes are open, Academic and Vocational – University or Apprenticeship. Both are equally valid and both can lead to degree level qualifications. The difference is an Apprenticeship pays a salary whilst you learn and a University course does not.
In relation to Apprenticeships, Britain’s most successful former Apprentices are worth £20 Billion between them. Many use the life skills they acquire regularly to ensure their operations run smoothly years after their Apprenticeship is complete.
There are many different Apprenticeships available and applications are being accepted now.

Some of the best paid roles are in Engineering which itself is a very wide field with opportunities in Aerospace, Science and Technology and Manufacturing.
Engineers tend to think differently, seeing ways to make things better where others see a problem. They make a greater positive difference to human life than almost any other endeavour. Every power station, every road, every bridge, every mobile phone, every train, every airliner or helicopter owes its existence to an engineer.
So if you or someone you know have just finished exams and are thinking for what to do next, visit www.atgapprenticeships.com  to see the vacancies on offer or call 01296 737800 and ask to speak to the recruitment team who will be happy to help you.